“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 3:13-14
One of the major hindrance to spiritual growth and advancement in the lives of many believers in Christ Jesus, is their past, which they have refused to let go or put behind them.
Before people give their lives to Christ, they have some experiences: both good and bad. On the bad side, some may have done very despicable things; some may have hurt people or been hurt by others…
Then on the good side, some may have recorded some success; and some may have led a Moral lifestyle.
But then when they come to Christ, they still cling to those things in their minds and heart; and it eventually hinder their spiritual growth and advancement in life.
Now in the context of the opening text above, the Apostle Paul reveals a very powerful secret to spiritual growth and success in Christ Jesus…
He says he doesn’t count himself to have apprehended– laid hold on Christ’s high Prize– but one thing he always does or practices is that he keeps forgetting the things that are behind and keep pressing for the things which are before or ahead of him.
Furthermore, he says he presses toward the mark for the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And that high calling in Christ Jesus is, eternal life.
So in this post, the Lord will have me share with you on the need to forget or let go your past in order to grow in your faith in Christ Jesus; and consequently in every area of your life.
The Things You Must Put Behind
Like the Apostle Paul, if you must grow in your knowledge of God, your walk with God and consequently advance in every area of life, listed below are the things you must always forget or put behind you…
1) Past Sins: 2 Corinthians 5:17 — “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
The above scripture says, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, and all things have become new. Which means so long you have repented of your old ways of life and received Jesus into your life, your old sins no longer count.
So you have to totally forget about them and see yourself as a new creature, the same way the Lord now sees you. Once you give your life to Christ, God forgives you all your sins and forgets (See Hebrews 8: 12). So as God forgives and forgets your sins, you must also forget your past sins or former bad way of life that you have repented of.
2) Past Hurt: as a believer in Christ Jesus, if you must grow in your knowledge and relationship with God; if you are aware you hurt someone and it is troubling you, you should go and apologize to the person. Then if you were hurt, or still get hurt even as a believer, you should forgive the person and pray God to heal you of the pain and move on.
3) Past Mistakes: Another thing you must put behind you as a believer, is past mistakes that you cannot repair. If you made a mistake and you realize it, do the best you can to remedy it. But if after doing your best and it’s beyond repair, just learn a lesson from it, forget about it and move on, trusting God to help you avoid the repeat of such mistake again.
4) Past Success or Achievements: when people dwell on the glory of past success or achievements, it makes them settle for the status quo and hinder their advancement in life. Both spiritually and physically. If you must keep growing in your relationship with God and in every area of your life, you must learn to always heartily appreciate and celebrate God for every success or victory he gives you…
And after that, you quickly plan on the next phase of advancement. Because as a Child of God, no matter your success or blessings, God always have much more for you till Jesus returns or till you go home to be with the him in heaven.
So you must always put your past success and achievements behind you and reach out for the very best that God has for you as his Child.
So that’s it. Always put your past sins, mistakes, hurt and success or achievements behind in order to obtain God’s best for your life; and ultimately, the Prize of God’s high calling in Christ Jesus, which is, eternity with God.
And if you are yet to receive the Lord Jesus into your heart, the number one way to put all your past behind you, for eternal success, is to receive the Lord Jesus into your heart as your Lord and personal Saviour. If you are yet to receive the Lord Jesus into your heart, click here receive Jesus now!