“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit”-Ephesians 5:15-18
In January 2015, as we were waiting on the Lord, in a 21 days, fasting and prayer program in my Church, God gave me this revelation I will be sharing with you here…
During that particular program, we were actually asking God for an encounter with the powers of the world to come. And during that particular period, I was always at home, feeding myself with the bible and spiritual literatures. One of such literatures I was reading is, “, Ever Increasing Faith ” by the Apostle of Faith-Smith Wigglesworth-of blessed memory.
The Gifts and The Giver of The Gifts Which Is Better?
As I read that particular book, I came to a place, where he asked; “between people having a consciousness of God’s gift in them- and having a consciousness of the fullness of God in them, which one is better?” He answered; “I think it is better to be full of the Holy Ghost- and as you minister, the Holy Ghost, manifests his gifts through you as he wills”.
Although I may not be able to quote what he was saying in that book verbatim, but those were exactly what he meant.
As I read that, the revelation got into my spirit man. And within that period, as I was sleeping on my bed, at midnight, I felt something move on my stomach. At first, I thought it was a creature, so I tried to catch it with reflex as I awoke from my sleep. But I couldn’t catch anything. Then I suspected the move of the power of God.
My Premonition Was Confirmed
True to my premonition, as I slept, in my dream vision, two men of God appeared to me, explaining to me that what I experienced was the current of God’s power. But that however, I shouldn’t focus on the power, but rather focus on God.
After that particular supernatural experience, I began to always seek and ask God for the infilling presence and the power of the Holy Ghost. As I desired an experience of the mighty infilling power of the Holy Ghost, one night, I was worshipping God on top of my bed, lying face up…
As I worshipped, I was desperately expecting the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. And dear, did I experience it? Oh, awesomely. The presence was absolutely unexplainable. It can only be best described as heaven on earth.
The Heavenly Ecstasy!
Oh my! For the period it lasted, the ecstasy was comparable to nothing on earth. No earthly emotions could come close to the fun I had with it that night. In fact, I can confidently affirm that I was translated from earth to heaven-and I mean that in the spiritual sense of it.
Oh my, my- his presence is best experienced than described. Hence my message here, is that you should desire to be baptized in the Holy Ghost- in case you’re not yet. If you’re already baptized, seek a daily, continual infilling.
You need the presence of the Holy Ghost to be able to continue your Christian race without fainting. In short, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit in you, is the easier and cheaper way to Christianity. It is God himself living in you, helping you to keep his commandments.
Because as the Lord Jesus says in the book of Matthew 19:26; “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” With the ordinary man- without the Holy Spirit- it is practically impossible to keep the commandments of God. But with God in you, in the person of the Holy Ghost, nothing shall be impossible with you.
Hence I reiterate, be filled with the Holy Ghost.
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